
Saturday, August 17, 2013

Do or Die Trying!!

The challenge is on!!!

Last week I gave notice to my second job and have been second guessing myself ever since.

Did I do the right thing?  Can I afford this?  What have I done?!  The list goes on  and on.
I did stay with PRN status which means if they need me call me.  But what I really want is to be able to work one job and stay that way.

I will be revamping the budget and working harder on my self control and re purposing ideas.
Basically I want to look like I have money when I don't!

If I baby step myself, I believe I can do it!  Hubby is on board, he really doesn't like me working two jobs anyway.  BUT!!!  If his health issues don't get straightened out then  will have no alternative but to go back to two jobs.  Praying it doesn't come to that.

I will share my journey as we go.

Keep your fingers crossed!

Friday, June 14, 2013

New Beginnings

I have been soooooo slack with this blog. 

Just not into it but telling myself I wanted to do it.

I had a lot of time to think this past week.  My wonderful husband needed to under go a heart procedure and it really threw me for a loop!

Thank the Good Lord, (which I have done more then once) he is fine and home with me now. 

I took the time to think about the things I really wanted to do with him and for myself.  And surprise!!  This blog was one of them!

So I dusted off the camera and started up again. 

I am not going to promise a post every single day but I am at least going to cover a topic or project every week. 

This coming week is going to take us around the vintage cottage, inside and out.  I look forward to sharing a lot of info and different things with you!

Sunday, February 3, 2013


A lot has happened since I last posted on this blog.

We handed over our money pit we were living in to my daughter and became renters once again.  Was not what we wanted to do, but sometimes these things happen.  We are very happy with the lil vintage house we found and are lucky enough to have wonderful landlords.

I have found a better paying job with awesome schedule that I love very much.  Still working with special needs adults, just now I am a production supervisor and not doing direct care on a full time basis.

Was finally able to afford Internet again as you can tell.

The one set back we had was the car accident I was in a couple of weeks ago.  Lady crossed center line and totaled my SUV and a couple of other cars.  Thankfully no one was seriously injured and I came out of  it with out a bruise or scratch!  But now waiting on insurance check so I can replace my beloved truck.(yes, her name is Bessie Mae and I loved her)

You will see lots more post as I start gearing up!  Right now trying to link blog to facebook.  Want to create a wonderful blog to match the ones I always drool over.

Have a wonderful day everyone!!!