
Friday, June 15, 2012

Repurposed Kings Island Tickets

I've had these tickets for about a week.  Never got around to throwing them away, just left them in a bowl on the table. 

Got to looking at them yesterday and just knew there was something I could do with them instead of just pitching the out.  Then the idea hit me!!! 

With just a little bit of glue, ribbon and scrap book paper..................

You get home made gift tags!!!!!!!!!!!

My favorite part of it is since I had everything at home it cost me........$0 !!!!

You can make these for any occasion!  Also one of the cards is made from a prepaid cell phone card.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Cloud Dough

I came across this recipe a few months ago on the Internet.  Cloud Dough.  The frugal version of Moon Dough.

I have priced the Moon Dough before and found it to be a little pricey for my taste.   So when my granddaughter was getting bored I whipped up a batch of Cloud Dough and it has kept her busy for 2 days now!  She loves it!!  Super easy and cheap to make!!!!!!

Cloud Dough

8 cups flour
1 cup baby oil

Put in a rubber container and mix well.

Play with all day!!!!!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Repurposed Walker Caddy

Picture if you will this item being twice as wide as you see it in the picture.  It was a hanging caddy off of my grandmother's walker.

Currently I do need a walker or a walker caddy so I decide to play a  little with it.

I cut the caddy in half and closed the edge using Heat n Bond Hem.  Reattached the ties for handles and I made myself a small quilted tote to carry my bible in for church.

Not as fancy as some of the bible holders you buy, but allot cheaper!!!!

I think she would approve of what I did with it!!!